The Person in the Mirror Should Be You, and You, Alone.

Pedro Odubayo Thompson
4 min readFeb 12, 2023


Credit Andre Mouton with Photo, Unsplash.
Credit Andre Mouton with Photo, Un splash.

On a serious note, I am not referring to your shadow. Instead, it is a reflection of your inner and outer self. You, and you alone.

You’ll agree with me that self-reflection is a key component of personal growth and success. It’s important to recognize that we are the only ones who can take responsibility for our actions and work on improving ourselves.

Self-reflection is crucial for personal growth and success. We must take responsibility for our actions and work on improving ourselves. It’s important to balance pushing ourselves to improve with being kind and understanding toward ourselves.

Blaming others for our problems rarely leads to solutions. Instead, we can focus on what we can control — our thoughts, actions, and reactions. By taking ownership of our lives and working on ourselves, we can become the best versions of ourselves and achieve our goals.

You can become your own person if you want.

Nevertheless, the saying holds true that if we can’t change a person or situation, it’s quite logical that we can make the change from within. This means the problem may be that person you see in the mirror every day. Yes, you need to seriously talk with yourself.

“Self-talk is a healthy way to build motivation, calm nerves or analyze a tricky situation. “It’s a useful way to check in with yourself and organize thoughts and feelings.” — Grace Tworek, PsyD.

Think about the battle you’ve to face daily as you go out to fight for your daily bread. Dear, you need to fight the battle within first. And that will prepare you for the myriad of them out there.

How on earth do you think to be weak and of fainted mind when you want to win the war life presents on your path?

Winning your life battle is possible.

You can’t be a fake and tend to be somebody else other than yourself. No matter how good and successful you feel the other person you’re trying to imitate is, you might fail.

Even if you submit yourself for some sort of plastic surgery — which is abundant out there these days, you can’t be the real Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, and a long list of your idols you would like to become. Would you do the same with your DNA?

Use your present to build your future.

If not, when do you think that you would start building for yourself and putting your product outside there for the world to see? The time is now. Sleeve up and be ready for the hard work.

The person inside and outside should be you. Reasons: Whenever you put on another man’s shoes, and clothes, and worst still, pretend, copy, and want to become that person; you end up becoming a copycat with the strong possibility of failing and being miserable all your life.

The fact is that you’re not your original self. You’re not that person you see in your mirror. Once that happens, you’re fake and open up to so many troubles as there’s nowhere you can withstand the test of time. Not even when you master the technique that belongs to someone else.

On the contrary, being yourself, and having originality give you your brand. Working on your brand brings joy, dignity, and responsibility as inspiration that will take you to the successful end of your journey.

This doesn’t end there. But your joy increases as you share your knowledge with others and see them progress through your help. That’s the spirit of entrepreneurship we’re talking about.

Giving out something (your service) which in turn will produce and reproduce your earnings.

Though the road is long and sometimes tough, it’s worth trying. The possibilities are there as you must have heard more than a thousand times out there.

How to reach that point and bring them under your control, that’s the reason why you should start your journey on firm ground. One step at a time. And persistence and resilience backed by hard work will take you there.

Procrastination can be the bane of any good intentions. Note that no matter how good ideas, or intentions you may have as long as there’s not enough will to execute them, the idea would be as good as remaining dormant and dead.

Trials and errors are good materials to get you mature.

The kick is that later, tomorrow might be too late. Or tomorrow, never comes at all. Remember we’re not in control of the next minutes apart from the minutes in our hands at present.

Use the present as much as you can so that the future can fill the push. Never overlook the trial and error you would have to experience. All will go a long way to prepare you for a better and prosperous tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

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Pedro Odubayo Thompson
Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Written by Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Pedro is a man of few days who strives to encourage critical thinking, promotes social justice, and endeavors to leave a lasting legacy behind.

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