Those My Mom’s Four Eyes

Pedro Odubayo Thompson
3 min readAug 13, 2021


Not heard of this? Well, my mom had two extra eyes, “the invisible eyes.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Photo Credit: Pixabay

In my wildest imagination, I could never have heard or seen somebody claiming to have “four eyes,” but I listened to that from my very mother. But unfortunately, I belonged to a generation that we dared not ask our parents questions. And even worse for a contentious topic like that. Therefore, my only option was for me to keep quiet and observe. But it was all a strange thing to me. How and why is that? When could I physically see that my mom had her two eyes as I do? Since I could not comprehend, I kept it to myself and never discussed it with anyone. Then came a day when my mom saw, should I say, the invisible. Yeah, because I believe that should be the proper term for anything you can’t perceive or touch physically.

When the Invisible Appeared

My mom shouted, but in a low and consistent voice: “Wow, look at that woman walking on her head!” And I paid rapt attention to see if I could as well catch a glimpse of what my mom was seeing and saying. Unfortunately for me, I could not see anything but rely on what mummy was seeing and reporting (for sure, the reporting was not for me). I was just lucky to be nearby. There is no way that could be a topic of conversation between my mom and me; first, she might not want me to get scared and possibly shit in my panty. Second, in our African culture, primarily as at then of my generation, parents were not open to discussion with their children. Given the whole scenario, since I did not even quite understand, analyzing the whole thing, I did not take anything I heard from her seriously not until later dates in my life.

Photo Credit: Dispositphotos-Stock-Photos
Photo Credit: Dispositphotos-Stock-Photos

Satan and His Angels Are Right Here on Earth

When I became of age and started putting two plus two together and connecting the dots, before realizing that there is indeed much more stuff in this world than what we know and see.

No wonder the Bible Records in Psalms 91:1- 5 that you should not fear the terror of night (that’s understandable because it’s night). It continues, not the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness (this again is understandable because it’s in darkness), not the plague that destroys at midday. Wait a minute, does it mean that arrows fly by day, and plagues destroy at noon, too? Well, that’s scary! But it’s the world in which we live with our eyes open, but we can’t just see for unknown reasons. Why should I not believe in these strange and unseen forces that co-abide with us? Years back, yet in Africa, I suddenly saw scars on my two hands (for sure, that is a witchcraft practice) and somewhat bleeding! Don’t ask me if it was a black or white witch — as none of them is good since they both belong to evil forces. I was shocked beyond belief, and my friends asked me, too, what was the matter when they saw the scars on my hand. I was just short of words. But between fear of the unknown and reposing on my maker for protection, I became stable and wholly entrusted my case to that highest being above who sees everything.

I have no option but to conclude that Satan is real, the devil is real, spirits are real, and all are here on earth with us. I now realize that many of us need a god, a higher power, to protect us. And for me, I think who else can protect me better than the Almighty God who knew me by name from my mother’s womb and who had the mercy, love, and compassion to still protecting me against the giants and lions of this world. May His Mighty Presence abide with everyone. Amen!



Pedro Odubayo Thompson
Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Written by Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Pedro is a man of few days who strives to encourage critical thinking, promotes social justice, and endeavors to leave a lasting legacy behind.

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