The Anatomy of Creation: The way I see it.

Pedro Odubayo Thompson
3 min readDec 10, 2020


Is the coming of man into this world a deliberate thought out plan? What about a divine protocol, or maybe merely an accident?

Wow, nature!
Wow, nature!

If not by accident, why is it that all semen doesn’t result in creating a fetus? Or see the day’s light, not to talk of materializing and becoming a living being? And if creation does not follow a calculated and divine sequence, why is it that all the fetuses don’t develop to maturity?

According to my observation, the divine protocol is crucial in creating man as seen in Genesis 1:26: “Let’s make man in our image. …” this protocol regulates human’s existence and consists of two parts: The physical (earthly) and the spiritual (heavenly), which in turn are based on four fundamental pillars among other things, include Born into the world, Grow, Procreate, and Die.

A protocol that not even scientists can change, therefore, constituting the “Anatomy of Creation” package. When we go through the first three phases of the life cycle (Born, Grow, and Procreate), we do so in the flesh, the skin, or the body. When we die, however, we take the final step. The inner man is now clothed with the spiritual energy body — Zachariah 3:4 (the “filthy” clothes are replaced by the “fine” garments).

The beauty of nature.

If not by accident, why is it that all semen doesn’t result in creating a fetus? Or see the day’s light, not to talk of materializing and becoming a living being? And if creation does not follow a calculated and divine sequence, why is it that all the fetuses don’t develop to maturity?

According to my observation, the divine protocol is crucial in creating man as seen in Genesis 1:26: “Let’s make man in our image. …” this protocol regulates human’s existence and consists of two parts: The physical (earthly) and the spiritual (heavenly), which in turn are based on four fundamental pillars among other things, include Born into the world, Grow, Procreate, and Die.

A protocol that not even scientists can change, therefore, constituting the “Anatomy of Creation” package. When we go through the first three phases of the life cycle (Born, Grow, and Procreate), we do so in the flesh, the skin, or the body. When we die, however, we take the final step. The inner man is now clothed with the spiritual energy body — Zachariah 3:4 (the “filthy” clothes are replaced by the “fine” garments).

Beauty, the beauty of nature!

Our Sojourning on Earth

Our life pilgrimage or sojourning on this Earth will again depend on the divine protocol’s benevolence, or destiny, enabling us to live well over the three scores or a minimum of seventy years as planned for us.

The Divine Calendar

Then comes another chapter entirely new but already marked by the invisible hand as stipulated by the divine calendar protocol when we have to abandon and leave, yet, not with our consent as we have no say in it. It goes a long way to confirm man’s life on Earth can be compared to that of robots made to fulfill their maker’s objectives. Once complete, they are no longer useful, and they become obsolete after accomplishing their assignments. Or what do you say?

Your comment is very welcome!



Pedro Odubayo Thompson
Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Written by Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Pedro is a man of few days who strives to encourage critical thinking, promotes social justice, and endeavors to leave a lasting legacy behind.

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