I don’t know how to thank you for this article, Llewelyn.
The whole scenario paints a gloomy end of the long awaited French exploitation of its African colonies.
This rips off has taken decades after decades if not centuries. Indeed, France’s game in Africa is over.
The oppressed are saying enough is enough.
My big surprise, however, is seeing that people are reluctant to leave a comment on this matter in the comments section.
Indeed, the French game in Africa as a whole is over.
My big surprise is seeing that people are reluctant to leave a comment on this matter in the comments section.
Does it mean that everything (even gross injustices) committed against the good people of Africa subjecting them to all kinds of inhuman conditions, should be thrown under the carpet just because others who supposed to be humans refused for whatever reason to speak out the truth?
Well, your silence in the face of injustice is complicity. Moreover, when you remain silent, you’re choosing to side with the oppressors.