Gone Are the Days When Our Elders Passed for Public Teachers

Pedro Odubayo Thompson
4 min readAug 7, 2021


Photo Credit: Pixabay
Photo Credit: Pixabay

How Does Society Change with the Pass of Time! Does Life Change Generations? Or Generations Have to Change Because of Some Undefined Tendencies?

I agree with all of the above. For the past few decades, not only life has changed but the change has been drastic generation after generation. Unless counting from experience, it is difficult to state categorically what may be the cause or causes.

The Far and Wide Change

Should I claim to be one of the lucky ones? Not even close! Unlucky ones, maybe. Yes, otherwise who would have survived those harsh periods of corporal punishment in schools and still clap for joy? I found it challenging to belong to that generation of the 50s, especially in countries with non-western cultures and traditions. In any case, western society is not completely immune from this generational change, since the wind of that change has reached far and wide across the globe.

Whistleblowers or Senior with Big Hearts?

Therefore, other kids and I disliked the noble elders’ mission. Our viewpoints as children were contrary to the good and altruistic work these wonderful people were engaged in. We sometimes refer to them as “invisible whistleblowers”; perhaps this is an erroneous label derived from our nonconformity and disapproval of their services. It is in part because we felt we were punished more harshly than expected.

Do Things Differ When You’re Raised in a Small Community?

Generally, children’s training is seen as the sole responsibility of their parents. But these elders proved us wrong. Nevertheless, over time we have all become disconnected from those things in today’s teachings and education. Perhaps because I was raised in a smaller community, a village, that’s why things took that turn. Those elders ensured that kids were corrected or advised, when necessary, at any point, anywhere and anytime. Thus, we were extra careful not to misbehave.

Village Boy or Grandmother’s Product

At the time, things were different, partly because I was raised by my grandmother; therefore, I ended up as a granddaughter’s product and a village boy. In addition to my village teachers, the village priests, and the general public (the elders) were important public educators.

“Whistleblowers” Talking Points

Some of these elders may be on their way to work or perhaps they may just be walking around town, but they are never able to see or meet you misbehaving on the street not without a few yells or, if necessary, we may also get spanked at our buttocks, as the case may be.

The seniors followed a process in which they were able to carry out their functions. Their first response is to correct the kid firmly as if he or she were their own child.

If the person was close to our grandmother or if the person happened to report our actions to another third person, the person might take advantage of that opportunity, using (our wrong-doing) as a talking point with our grandmother. The next thing you know, the story reaches granny; at that point, if we’re lucky, our grandmother might call us and ask questions. It would be serious enough to punish the accused, but if not, he could receive a few warnings for any future offenses.

Unfavorable Reports That Benefit No One

So far, we have never received a favorable report from these seniors. For we were under the impression that these seniors were wicked news carriers or informants because they were tough with us then.

In those days, we were surrounded by nothing but three strong institutions of training: my grandmother, whose literacy was limited, was a no-nonsense guru when it came to imparting (home) training. To make matters even worse, most of us passing through my grandmothers’ “academy” were boys — very stubborn boys, in fact.

Next in this chain was the teacher, followed by the priest. I would have preferred the priest (except for those at my boarding school who beat the hell out of me), but this village priest would advise, and the most he could do was given a strong warning to make us see why destructive behavior is not a good idea.

most he could do was to give strong warnings making us see why we should desist from destructive behaviors. On the other hand, my grandmother and my teacher were no-go areas because they were too strict. In retrospect, I realized that they were doing all this because they thought it was the right thing to do. Furthermore, that was the period in which they lived, and they didn’t know any better. These elders were willing to nurture, train, and raise those children in the best ways possible to make them better individuals for their families, themselves, and society as a whole.

Society’s Rot in the Modern Age

While I don’t support the type of hard training and corporal punishment of those days, I believe that our modern society has jettison so much that we’re now facing the rots of the new generations when it comes to respecting of elders and other good manners reminiscent of past years.

Teachers cannot correct students in the classroom without fear of parental retribution, or from the students themselves, not to talk about a stranger. Parents’ authority over their children has diminished to a shallow level. Our society has lost its past despite increasing knowledge and the “good life” of modern living. That was our raison d’être; and, therefore, we live in a society no longer grounded in past values.

In conclusion, even though we have made great strides in science and technology, we still haven’t achieved a happy state of mind. Individualism and our train of life cannot produce the altruistic and joint efforts seen in the seniors. They injected their best into a people’s project, resulting in a multiplier effect that affected a wider group of youths who became well-educated, well-nurtured, and happy people for the benefit of the society as a whole.



Pedro Odubayo Thompson
Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Written by Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Pedro is a man of few days who strives to encourage critical thinking, promotes social justice, and endeavors to leave a lasting legacy behind.

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