God bless I.F. Stone's soul. Writers take note. This is a work where the author wasn't writing solely for readers (though our readers are important) but he has left a mark behind for posterity even after he has long gone.
As for making the world a better place. I sometimes ask myself why is the likes of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, under attack and being followed by the powers that be when they're fighting for a world of justice? Why should the big powers (US and China) always at loggerhead? Wouldn't it be in the world interest if there were understanding and co-operation? Not just between the two. But among all and sundry.
Why not allow middle power countries (something like that existed in the past) to grow in power and strength so there's world stability? Why should some countries always want to impose their ideologies on others? For instance, why should some countries have nuclear weapons and others like Iran is not allowed but perceived as an enemy? This is the crux of the matter and as we stand right now some part of the world is hurting. Third world countries with all their resources, western countries have used all sorts of mechanism through (IMF, World Bank), etc., for them to become poorer.
They help to install puppet governments and sometimes outrightly assassinate those who show some promising signs of lifting their people out of poverty. That was the case of Murtala Mohamed (Nigeria-Feb. 13, 1976). The man who wanted to eradicate corruption in Nigeria. Thomas Sankara of Burkina Fasso (former Upper Volta--- Oct.15, 1987). What's more, the west (France at the forefront of it all) cause wars and in the midst of tumult they cart away the continent's resources. The result so far, is what we see today. The forced immigration which has led many people, women, and children to die in the sea. This is terribly a sad situation. Things have to change for peace to reign.