Dear, I'm sorry but I will have to be blunt here.
It's a must to take care of our sick parents whatever it takes.
In your case, shifting the whole weight on your younger brother and other siblings doesn't speak well of you.
Your excuse of him having more time, doesn't exonerate from playing your part (that's highly irresponsible as many would do). If I may ask, what happens to your sick leave or family sick leave?
You said in your post: " is not uncommon for caregivers to die before the person they are caring for...." Give me a break!
This is already alarming, and it might go a long way to dissuade those who are already putting in their best of sacrifice.
Again, you wrote, " ...until the day when he and two other siblings arranged her move to an assisted living facility."
This shows that you have been conspicuously absent in all the arrangement.
I'm not surprised, that's western culture for you, where a large percentage of your loved ones end up in assisted facilities. Totally strange to me.
For you to compare the COVID-19 period to caregivers (supposed adults in post-COVID) not taking adequate care of themselves despite the wide exception that may exist, sounds ridiculous.