A Tip of the Hat to My Fellow Writers: You, the Fourth Estate.

Pedro Odubayo Thompson
4 min readDec 21, 2022


We have all shared a great journey together to get here.

In less than two weeks, 2022 will give way to 2023! We all look forward to this time with great enthusiasm.

Photo Credit: PIXABAY
Photo Credit: PIXABAY

The reason for this zeal isn’t far-fetched or extraordinary. We’re finishing an old year and starting a new one.

The big deal occurs, however, when the year is conceived from a carried-over life project perspective. In most cases, owing to the powers that be, we do not have control or final say over a life pursuit.

In specific terms, the COVID brouhaha brings to mind a retrospect of 2022.

There has been a lot of misgiving in the past couple of years, which has caused some hesitation or anxiety about what 2023 holds.

The importance of celebrating writers

Especially the writers of the Medium family deserve recognition.

You, writers, are the reason or reasons why we’re all writing bits and pieces and sharing them with the world.

It is inspiring when we read from each other, most especially from the gurus who came before us.

In the first place, thank you very much for giving and sharing altruistically with us.

Your contributions to the fourth estate or the “world of the pen” are significant. As a result, we humbly admit that we have much to learn from you. We are counting on the possibility that we will be able to do better and contribute more qualitatively to the common good just because of your support.

The reason behind the compliment

This august accolade we all well deserve wouldn’t be out of place. Instead, it aims to refresh, inspire, and keep us all on track for the New Year 2023.

There are some things we do as writers but sometimes we don’t even realize it because we’re too busy writing.

In writing, we try to convey our ideas and put them out there. In the end, however, we strive to inform and keep our audience, or readers, updated with fresh and inspiring articles and write-ups.

Why not, also make sure that our work is just available for public consumption and not locked away in your brain. Selflessness, far from material gain, is inbred in everyone who is worthy of calling themselves a writer.

The writers strive to bring the voices of the voiceless — the helpless and the hopeless — to the fore.

A case in point is those aborted babies who were never given the chance to live, let alone the right to do so. The writer should not only think about them but also write about them. Tell the world the part of your story. Put it out there.

Writer be focused, and don’t miss the mark.

As we are caught up in the day-to-day struggles of keeping our souls and body together, we sometimes miss the mark. But we should also use our God-given talents to look into and bring comfort to the painful and traumatic situations around us.

The pain spouses experience after their partner passes away. In those moments when they are stuck in that irresistible thinking mode, no one can console them enough.

Especially when the untold happens suddenly, breaking the rite of “Till death do us part.” Or the sound that subconsciously originates directly from the lips, “Until we meet again in heaven.”

It is your moral obligation as a writer to make people’s plight known. Writers’ work is challenging, diverse, and profound. In some cases, you need to be creative in order to get right to the heart of the problem.

In one of the chapters of her book titled “I Know My Way: How to Paint the Sky Blue,” the author, who coincidentally is my wife, captures this aspect by describing her mother’s tragic death. After her mother died in a train accident some years ago, she had to complete her mother’s thoughts and feelings.

As she imagined the situation, she simulated it in her own words: “What’s in God’s name…I’m walking, but where’s the floor?” All of a sudden, my mind is asking, “How is this possible? Where’s the station floor, it’s not here! Sweet Jesus, how can I be flying through the air?

What in the name of God is going on? I feel my body spin, twist, and crash down on a hard metallic surface. I damn near lose consciousness. The realization of where I’m hit is when I feel the track bed under me.

Dear God in heaven, how did I get down on the tracks? I remember pushing the “2” button when entering the elevator, so, Jesus, what did I do wrong? The fact that I’m lying on the track isn’t possible.

To my horror the ground I’m lying on begins to vibrate. Dear merciful God, there must be a train coming down this track! I have to move, or I’ll be killed. But when I tried to lift my body, I realized that I must have broken something in my back when I fell.

Is it too late for everyone to save me? Why can’t people hear me, am I really screaming, or is it just in my mind?

They say that when you’re about to die your entire life flashes in front of you, but there’s no time for that to happen.

The train must be near me now; the vibration under me is becoming more forceful and I can hear what sounds like screeching brakes. Did someone alert the engineer that I’d fallen down the track? Will it stop in time?”

The task before us has always been difficult but when we do what we love to do, we excel.

To conclude, a million thanks to my readers and followers. I promise to specifically write a special thank you message to you all the soonest.

Thanks for reading!



Pedro Odubayo Thompson
Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Written by Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Pedro is a man of few days who strives to encourage critical thinking, promotes social justice, and endeavors to leave a lasting legacy behind.

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