A Look at Tyre Nichols’ and George Floyds’ Deaths Reveals Moms’ Role in Every Society.

Pedro Odubayo Thompson
4 min readFeb 5, 2023


Unsplash Photos.
Unsplash Photos.

It could not be more heartbreaking and empathetic seeing both men calling on their moms after their tense encounter with the police force.

The victims pleaded for their moms’ assistance.

In light of the striking similarity between the two tragic events, one cannot ignore how both victims expressed their ultimate desires at death — help from their mothers (dead or alive!).

Equally important is that while the former’s mom is still alive, the latter’s mom had died two years before.

The common denominator, however, is that they both called on their moms for help after police manhandling and maltreatment led to their death.

Wow, that’s extraordinarily great as they placed their mothers just next to God, their creator. No doubt, it pays to be real and a good mom. Not all moms can pay the price.

By their fruits, you shall know them — two moms showed two ways to be a mom.

Do you remember the story of the two prostitutes in the Bible, I kings 3:16–27 who lived in the same house? They both gave birth three days apart but the woman who gave birth last lost her baby.

The thief dared to still and lay claim to the other woman’s baby which prompted them to appear before King Salomon for judgment.

The verdict was that the child should be divided into two. While the outcome was okay with the evil woman who didn’t care whether the child lives or not as she quickly accepted that the baby should be divided into — be killed!

Meanwhile, the rightful mother in grief was fighting that the baby shouldn’t be hurt in any way. Handing the child over to the wrong and presumed mother was painful and a great sacrifice the poor woman had to accept.

But since she didn’t have any other option, she relent in trying to preserve the baby’s life.

In her words, she demonstrated how she loved the child very much when she cried out “Oh no, my lord — please do not kill him!” What a sign of a good mother!

Good mothers will always lay their lives down for their kids. Therefore, the relationship between children and moms is thick and divine.

The king pronounced the final verdict and said, “Do not kill the child, but give him to the woman who wants him to live, for she is his mother!”

Moms’ edge and advantages over fathers.

It’s said in some cultures that a child can have various fathers but just only ONE MOM! No wonder that in the case of Nichol and George and in many other situations, we hardly hear about the father figure.

Sometimes too, the father may be good and responsible but since the children by nature have been so attached to their moms, I think that also is an influential point that we should take cognizance of in our calculations.

Moreover, more often than none, there’s no possible way we can ignore or disregard the fact that the children’s closeness to their mothers gives moms an edge over the father.

God bless you all moms who have paid your dues not only in bringing us into this world but fought tooth and nail to make sure that we live and hope that someday we would survive on our own.

Unfortunately, many of your dreams could not be realized because of some messengers of hell.

Finally, parents shouldn’t fail to keep the discussion afloat with their children, especially black teenagers. They should be respectful to police officers. I still believe strongly that they’re out there to protect us despite their weaknesses.

The mutual suspicion should stop. You shouldn’t be fearful of them as that might be interpreted as hiding stuff from them. If you suspect them that they’re there to hurt you, I want to believe too that they think you might be planning some funny stuff against them.

Don’t get me wrong, the case of Floyd and Nichol and countless others may be an exception as the videos reveal the mercilessness and brutality of the police officers.

Going by what some experts said about no government can afford to wait for a good 4-year college degree for officers, then the next option should be a lifelong marathon training.

Such training would go a long way to better prepare the said officers in dealing with the community in which they serve.

Stop causing pain, fear, and a big loss to moms who have been in this mess of losing their loved “babies” year after year.

Thanks for reading!



Pedro Odubayo Thompson
Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Written by Pedro Odubayo Thompson

Pedro is a man of few days who strives to encourage critical thinking, promotes social justice, and endeavors to leave a lasting legacy behind.

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