A Farewell to You, Queen Elizabeth II (1926–2022).
It’s hard to say goodbye to you, our beautiful and gracious Queen Elizabeth II. You were on the throne long before I dreamt that I was going to be born.
That day, hour, minutes, and seconds on that fateful Thursday, September 8, 2022; will never be forgotten as the Almighty God chose to bring you home.
There were tears from the sky and on the faces of your beloved subjects and those who lived near and far. The clouds parted and a beautiful rainbow appeared behind the Union Jack bringing silence to the swelling crowds outside of Buckingham Palace.
No doubt, we’re all sad to say goodbye to you our beautiful Queen,
but proud indeed for your lifelong commitment to the Crown. You ruled with grace, love, and much personal sacrifice.
You came, you saw, and conquered.
You touched the lives of many even outside the United Kingdom as you became a symbol of love, a model to leaders worldwide, and a shining example for the young generation and women all over the world to follow.
The world eagerly looks forward to seeing another Elizabeth II. One with a genuine love for humanity, being so humble and respectful to everyone both in words and in action.
Dear Queen, your exemplary life will live with us forever.
Many of us look forward to seeing your son King Charles III, follow in your footsteps and be able to accomplish all you stood for in 70 years of ruling even at the ripe age of 96.
May God give your son, the king the fortitude to bear the loss and the encouragement to forge ahead successfully in his many commitments, expectations, and responsibilities.
You laid the ground for him and now he will pledge his continued service to the Crown until he will be called home to be with you once again, “Mama.”
God bless you and keep you, dear Queen Elizabeth, may you rest in peace for all time, your work is done now.
You will reign in heaven at the right hand of your beloved Phillip who was your only love since you were 13 years old.